Pre-Order Sale
- Products with the Pre-order badge are not held in stock.
- Pre-Order Sale products are custom made and manufactured.
- All orders received during the limited time pre-order sale will be processed into production once the timer ends.
- Use your voucher code provided by Football West - NO CREDIT/DEBIT CARD PAYMENTS
- Delivery dates displayed below in the pre-order sale timetable.
- There are no refunds or exchanges on Pre-Order Sale products.
- Orders will be delivered to Football West for collection.
Pre-Order Sale
Start Date
End Date (midnight)
Goods Shipping from**
Sale 1
Monday, 5th February
Tuesday, 13th February
Week beginning 1st April
Mandatory items
Jersey - Required Qty: 2
Shorts - Required Qty: 2
Socks - Required Qty: 2
Your voucher code provided to you will cover the cost of the mandatory items (2x Jersey, Shorts, Socks).
Any additional items above this will be required to be paid for at checkout.